A talented 27-year old welder Sylvester Kwaku, has amazed social media after showing off a “Jeep-like” vehicle he built from scratch.
In a post cited on Kloma Hengme, a Facebook page dedicated to promoting Kroboland, Mr. Sylvester who hails from Otrokper in the Upper Manya Krobo District of the Eastern Region, spent about seven(7) months to manufacture the prototype.
Many social media users bemoaned the lack of support for people with such amazing talents to be able to reach the peak of their greatness and wished him well. Some even likened him to poses the potential as the great Nana Sarfo Kantanka, Ghana’s leading local manufacturer and engineer.
For now, the vehicle is still in trial mode on the streets of Asesewa to fully attest to it’s durability and roadworthiness.